Wisdom Wonderland

Building A Virtual Publishing Team with AI

Building A Virtual Publishing Team with AI

Building A Virtual Publishing Team with AI

We've assembled a Publishing Team of 10+ AI Agents. An author, an art director, a child psychologist, a marketer, a publishing agent and more. Essentially running largely on autopilot. It's a new world.

We've assembled a Publishing Team of 10+ AI Agents. An author, an art director, a child psychologist, a marketer, a publishing agent and more. Essentially running largely on autopilot. It's a new world.

We've assembled a Publishing Team of 10+ AI Agents. An author, an art director, a child psychologist, a marketer, a publishing agent and more. Essentially running largely on autopilot. It's a new world.


Wisdom Wonderland


Publishing Design Online Marketing (Video) content creation




January 2023

We fed ChatGPT a 20+ page document describing the virtual team in great detail. Introducing the members on the team, their respective roles, ojectives, their way of working, inspiration, the collective mission, target audience, etc. By breaking the process up in phases I myself (as CEO) was able to steer any given project in the right direction. From book creation to content strategy to the creation of tailored and engaging marketing content.

Kids Book 1
Kids Book 1
Kids Book 1
Accompanying AI Artworks
Accompanying AI Artworks
Accompanying AI Artworks
Social Media Calendar
Social Media Calendar
Social Media Calendar
Lead Magnet
Lead Magnet
Lead Magnet

Ultimately we managed to create an extremely efficient proces allowing us to create a new childrens book from scratch in less than one day. Including illustrations plus marketing content such as product descriptions, paid media campaigns and social media content.

Hoe heeft de klant het ervaren…

Hoe heeft de klant het ervaren…

Wat onze
klanten zeggen…

Jan Karel Renauld

T. Hoffmann

Marketing Directeur


"Na de AI inspiratieworkshop besloten we om verschillende chatbots door AIO te ontwikkelen. Deze GPT-chatbot heeft de time to market aanzienlijk versneld, waardoor ons PIM-team zich meer kan richten op creatief in plaats van repetitief werk."

Ruben Goedings


Data Analyst


"Na slechts een korte feedbackronde is de GPT volop in gebruik genomen. Vooral de bulkfunctie is een verrijking van ons werkproces en heeft onze efficiëntie dramatisch verbeterd."

Human powered, AI enhanced.